What’s happening in libraries today? And what’s the latest news at Hannon Library? Jeff Gayton, University Librarian and Director of the Learning Commons, interviews with Ed Battistella and Michael Niemann of Literary Ashland.

You can listen to the interview here.


Former Friends of Hannon Library president and board member, Judi Drais, died on August 28. A longtime Rogue Valley educator, the indomitable Judi dedicated her life to learning, teaching, and service.

Judi’s friends have created a memorial fund for purchasing books for Hannon Library. To contribute: mail checks to Hannon Library, Attn: Becca Evans, made out to Hannon Library with Judi Drais Memorial Fund in the memo line.

JudiDraisJudi’s obituary in the Medford Mail Tribune can be read here.

We are currently celebrating the United States Constitution in the Hannon Library. Constitution Day is usually celebrated each year on September 17th.  The Constitution Day display and drawing is located in the Learning Commons next to the front entrance stairs. Come see the Constitution Day display and test your luck by entering a drawing for a $50 gift certificate to the SOU Bookstore. Anyone with an SOU campus email can enter the contest. The winner will be the first name drawn with correct answers to two Constitution Day quiz questions. The Contest will be concluded October 16th!

As part of the Constitution day celebration we have educational materials on the Constitution including a historical DVD series and copies of the Bill of Rights and Constitution located behind the Reference Desk.

Constitution Day
