Discover How Scientific Information Shapes Our Lives
The library will be offering a course in Fall Term that is approved for both the general education capacity Inquiry & Analysis as well as for Strand F in University Studies. The course invites students to explore high-interest current topics in science and learn about how people encounter, evaluate, and use scientific information in their daily lives. Using a variety of media, including newspaper, magazine, and journal articles, nonfiction books, videos, websites, and a novel, students will consider how people engage with science outside of the laboratory or classroom—and how personal, political, economic, and other contexts shape our understanding of new, thorny, or contentious scientific issues. The course is also designated as a low-cost materials course.
Course information:
Information, Science, and Society
CRN: 1147
Credits: 4
Day/Time: Mon, Wed 10:30-12:20
Delivery: In-person (Ashland campus)
General Education/University Studies: Inquiry & Analysis/Strand F