Tag Archive for: Long Night Against Procrastination

Join Hannon Library and the Learning Commons for another Long Night Against Procrastination:

Wednesday, May 4
8 PM – Midnight
Library First Floor

With research help, tutoring, food and prizes, what better way is there to get a jumpstart on final projects and essays? So don’t miss out on this event.

LNAP Flyer Spring 2016 - Copy - Copy

Want to get a jumpstart on that final assignment or project? Join us for the Winter 2016 Long Night Against Procrastination:

Wednesday, February 10
8 PM – Midnight
1st Floor of Hannon Library

Get late-night research help, citation assistance, and tutoring support in writing, math, and science. Then, relax with a bit of fun and food. We’ll even have a raffle and other exciting prizes!

LNAP Flyer Fall 2015 PRESS


LNAP Fall2015 EmilyWednesday night, the first floor of Hannon Library transformed into a multi-station work party machine.

Hannon Library and the Learning Commons hosted the tri-annual Long Night Against Procrastination, a Texas-sized version of a late night study session. Throughout the night, library staff worked together to keep the doors open late, help students relax, assist with research, and hand out snacks. The event gives students a night to reduce stress while simultaneously studying.

This term’s Long Night had around a dozen individual stations, which offered everything from career advice to board games. Students packed the library throughout the night, munching on goodies and getting help on their essays.

LNAP Fall 2015 DottyIt was a good night, and we at Hannon Library cannot wait to do it all again next term. Be sure to mark your calendars, and join us winter term on February 10, 2016.

by Alex Mesadieu 

Attention all students! Join us for the first Long Night Against Procrastination event of the year:

Wednesday, November 4
8 PM – Midnight
1st Floor of Hannon Library

Get late-night research help, citation assistance, and support in writing, math and science. Also enjoy a bit of fun and food, and even win prizes!
Brought to you by Hannon Library and the Learning Commons

LNAP Fall 2015

By Alex Mesadieu

Last week Hannon Library hosted the triannual Long Night Against Procrastination. Librarians stayed up until midnight helping students with their projects, serving up snacks, holding workshops, and even playing board games and doing yoga with students.

Throughout the night, students and faculty captured the night’s activities on Instagram. Here are some of the best pictures from the night:

#soulongnight     #lnap     #librariansdontjudge

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