Join writer and naturalist Pepper Trail for his talk “Voyage to the Origin of Species: Reminiscences of Charles Darwin.”
February 8, 2018, 4 pm
Hannon Library, Meese Room
Southern Oregon University

Pepper Trail as Charles Darwin, February 8
Celebrating Charles Darwin
This event celebrates International Darwin Day, commemorating the birthday of Charles Darwin and his contributions to the sciences of biology and evolution. Learn about Darwin’s life “first hand” through this talk presented by Pepper Trail, as he assumes to the persona of Charles Darwin looking back on his childhood and youth, his famous voyage on the Beagle, and the events leading up to the publication of The Origin of Species.
As part of the Friends of Hannon Library Speaker Series, this event is free and open to the public. Attendees can get free campus parking for the event by visiting any campus parking meter and using this code: FHL0208.
For more information, contact Hannon Library Administration at or 541-552-6816. If you need disability accommodations to participate in this event, please contact Disability Resources at 541-552-6213 or
About Pepper Trail

Pepper Trail, Writer and Naturalist
Pepper Trail is an ornithologist at the National Fish and Wildlife Forensics Laboratory and has a long-time interest in the life, ideas and writings of Charles Darwin. His portrayal of Darwin has entertained audiences from the Seattle Public Library to the Galapagos Islands. Trail is also a regular contributor to High Country News and the Jefferson Journal. As a writer, his poetry has appeared in Rattle, Cascadia Review and other publications. His collection Cascade-Siskiyou: Poems was a finalist for the 2016 Oregon Book Award in Poetry.